Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

Attention! Please, adhere to anti-epidemic measures for coronavirus disease prevention.


❗Tobacco smoking kills more than 8 million people worldwide every year.

❗Tobacco smoking kills more than 8 million people worldwide every year. This is the official data of the World Health Organization.
Even if you, as a smoker, are not embarrassed by this figure, there is another WHO statistic: almost half of the world's children regularly inhale tobacco smoke-polluted air in public places.
By smoking a cigarette or vape, hookah or e-cigarette, you endanger not only yourself but also your family, friends, or loved ones. 
Today, on World No Tobacco Day, the #MoH urges: do not postpone the desire to quit smoking until "tomorrow", "Monday" or "New Year"; do not use substitution of concepts such as "the harm from e-cigarettes is less" or "I can quit smoking tomorrow".
Do it, give up smoking in general, and make your contribution to your health. 
We publish tips that will help you get rid of the bad habit:

  • Find a strong motivation for yourself
  • Set a quit date and create a clear action plan
  • Include more healthy foods in your diet and add physical activity
  • Get rid of all items that remind you of smoking
  • Enlist support, find like-minded people, discuss your plan and progress with family and friends

(с) 2024

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