Україна єдина #UAРАЗОМ

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У терапії ПТСР, тривожних станів і розладів, а також інших травма-асоційованих розладів і симптомів в повсякденній роботі з військовослужбовцями і ветеранами психологи

У терапії ПТСР, тривожних станів і розладів, а також інших травма-асоційованих розладів і симптомів в повсякденній роботі з військовослужбовцями і ветеранами психологиRead more…

На прохання Івано-Франківської духовної семінарії проведено навчання із надання домедичної допомоги для братів-семінаристів IV курсу. 

На прохання Івано-Франківської духовної семінарії проведено навчання із надання домедичної допомоги для братів-семінаристів IV курсу. Read more…

Старший інспектор відділу протидії кіберзлочинам в Івано-Франківській області Департаменту кіберполіції Національної поліції України Назар Клюфінський провів семінар-навчання

Старший інспектор відділу протидії кіберзлочинам в Івано-Франківській області Департаменту кіберполіції Національної поліції України Назар Клюфінський провів семінар-навчанняRead more…

Через війну, яку розв’язала росія, кількість людей з ампутаціями зростає щодня. Усі вони потребують якісної медичної допомоги, реабілітації та протезування.

Через війну, яку розв’язала росія, кількість людей з ампутаціями зростає щодня. Усі вони потребують якісної медичної допомоги, реабілітації та протезування.Read more…

Малорухливий спосіб життя (особливо у дорослих) пов’язують із підвищенням ризиків розвитку серцево-судинних захворювань опорно-рухового апарату.

Малорухливий спосіб життя (особливо у дорослих) пов’язують із підвищенням ризиків розвитку серцево-судинних захворювань опорно-рухового апарату.Read more…

6 грудня - День Збройних Сил України! Вітаємо наших захисників і захисниць, з цим святом ! Нехай небесні сили бережуть Вас! Сили, здоров'я і терпіння Вам ! 💙💛 🇺🇦

6 грудня - День Збройних Сил України! Вітаємо наших захисників і захисниць, з цим святом ! Нехай небесні сили бережуть Вас! Сили, здоров'я і терпіння Вам ! 💙💛 🇺🇦Read more…

Нічні сирени й обстріли та тривога за себе і близьких додали українцям безсонних ночей. Що робити, якщо вночі не вдалося виспатися і на ранок ви почуваєтеся втомленими та розбитими?

Нічні сирени й обстріли та тривога за себе і близьких додали українцям безсонних ночей. Що робити, якщо вночі не вдалося виспатися і на ранок ви почуваєтеся втомленими та розбитими?Read more…

Дякуємо керівництву МВС України за сприяння в участі  працівників ДУ „ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області” в саміті Protez Rehab Summit

Дякуємо керівництву МВС України за сприяння в участі  працівників ДУ „ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області” в саміті Protez Rehab SummitRead more…

Сектором соціального захисту і супроводу постраждалих та членів їх сімей ДУ «ТМО УМВС України по Івано-Франківській області» проведено інформаційний захід

Сектором соціального захисту і супроводу постраждалих та членів їх сімей ДУ «ТМО УМВС України по Івано-Франківській області» проведено інформаційний західRead more…

Захисники й захисниці, які отримали тяжкі поранення або травми, можуть безоплатно скористатися медичною евакуацією за кордон для лікування чи реабілітації.

Захисники й захисниці, які отримали тяжкі поранення або травми, можуть безоплатно скористатися медичною евакуацією за кордон для лікування чи реабілітації.Read more…

Якщо ви хочете отримати нові навички і брати від життя максимум – приходьте навчатися в Автошколи для осіб з інвалідністю. Тут потурбувались про доступність навчання для всіх.

Якщо ви хочете отримати нові навички і брати від життя максимум – приходьте навчатися в Автошколи для осіб з інвалідністю. Тут потурбувались про доступність навчання для всіх.Read more…

Антидепресанти – це загальна назва для кількох груп препаратів, які призначають передусім у разі депресивного розладу та його різновидів

Антидепресанти – це загальна назва для кількох груп препаратів, які призначають передусім у разі депресивного розладу та його різновидівRead more…

4 липня 2023 року завідувач кабінету психопрофілактики та ППВ - практичний психолог Центру ПД та ППВ Лілія Галіпчак за сприяння керівництва ДУ провела виїзд поранених військовослужбовців НГУ

4 липня 2023 року завідувач кабінету психопрофілактики та ППВ - практичний психолог Центру ПД та ППВ Лілія Галіпчак за сприяння керівництва ДУ провела виїзд поранених військовослужбовців НГУRead more…

В зв’язку з веденням бойових дій на території України та відсутністю належних санітарно-гігієнічних умов проживання існує загроза виникнення та поширення небезпечних інфекційних захворювань

В зв’язку з веденням бойових дій на території України та відсутністю належних санітарно-гігієнічних умов проживання існує загроза виникнення та поширення небезпечних інфекційних захворюваньRead more…

Військовослужбовці НГУ відвідали концерт чеських музикантів

Військовослужбовці НГУ, які перебувають на стаціонарному лікуванні в ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області " разом із працівниками установи: завідувачем сектору із соціальних питань і роботи з постраждалими та членами їх сімей Гальчук Н.Л. та завідувачем кабінету ПП та ППВ - практичним психологом Галіпчак Л.С. відвідали концерт чеських музикантів, який відбувся в Першому Добровольчому Хірургічному Шпиталі "Брасс". Висловлюємо щиру подяку Стаславу Онищуку та музикантам з Чехії за запрошення, гарну атмосферу та позитивні емоції. Разом до Перемоги!Read more…

Відділення фізичної та реабілітаційної медицини ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області"

Відділення фізичної та реабілітаційної медицини ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області" продовжує надавати реабілітаційні заходи пораненим військовослужбовцям із застосуванням сучасних методів реабілітації та обладнання. Одним з них є застосування лазерного опромінення за допомогою апарату для лазеротерапії "МЕДИК-2К". Основними властивостями, якими володіє даний метод є: - знеболююча дія; - протизапальна; - судиннорозширююча; - протинабрякова; - бактеріостатична; - десенсибілізуюча; - сприятливий вплив на загоєння інфікованих ран та трофічних виразок; - стимуляція репаративних процесів; - покращення процесів обміну при дегенеративно-дистрофічних захворюваннях; - підвищення імунобіологічної реактивності організму; - стимуляція фібропластичних процесів; - пригнічення ексудативних і проліферативних процесів.Read more…

Працівники ДУ «ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області» пройшли курс навчання

Працівники ДУ «ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області» пройшли курс навчання «Надання домедичної допомоги в умовах бойових дій воєнного стану», які проводились КНП «Обласний клінічний центр екстренної медичної допомоги та медицини катастроф Івано-Франківської обласної ради»Read more…

Мультидисциплінарна команда продовжує надавати реабілітаційні заходи пораненим поліцейським та військовослужбовця

Мультидисциплінарна команда продовжує надавати реабілітаційні заходи пораненим поліцейським та військовослужбовцям на під гострому етапі реабілітації. Застосовуються нові методи фізичної терапії з допомогою механічних тренажерів, мануальної терапії пост ізометричної релаксаціїRead more…

На базі відділення післядипломної освіти КЗФПО «Івано-Франківський медичний фаховий коледж» 31 травня проведено навчальний тренінг «Домедична допомога в умовах бойових дій».

На базі відділення післядипломної освіти КЗФПО «Івано-Франківський медичний фаховий коледж» 31 травня проведено навчальний тренінг «Домедична допомога в умовах бойових дій». Захід проводили тренери курсу «Бойовий медик»: - Леся Романівна Марковецька, сестра медична ДУ ТМО МВС по Івано-Франківській області, - Володимир Миколайович Яцків, викладач циклової комісії хірургічних дисциплін коледжу. Учасники тренінгу - медичні сестри закладів охорони здоров’я області ознайомились із основними протоколами TCCC (Tactical Сombat Сasualty Сare), алгоритмом MARCH та оволоділи практичними навичками з надання допомоги в умовах військових дій для цивільних людей: проведення швидкого огляду, сортування, евакуації, зупинки критичних кровотеч за допомогою джгутів турнікетів, проведення тугої тампонади рани, накладання тиснучої пов’язки; роботи з бандажами та ІПП; користування військовою індивідуальною аптечкою, надання допомоги при пошкодженнях грудної клітки, судомних нападах, опіках, втраті свідомості. Всі учасники тренінгу відпрацювали на фантомах проведення серцево-легеневої реанімації, оволоділи особливостями СЛР із застосуванням АЗД, а також пройшли невелике тестування та провели самооцінку набутих в результаті навчання знань, компетентностей і практичних навичок й отримали сертифікати.Read more…

Психологічно здорова людина – це людина, яка почуває себе гармонійно та має певний резерв сил до подолання складнощів і достатній рівень продуктивності в повсякденному житті.

Психологічно здорова людина – це людина, яка почуває себе гармонійно та має певний резерв сил до подолання складнощів і достатній рівень продуктивності в повсякденному житті.Read more…

Практичні психологи Центру ПД та ППВ продовжують проводити психоедукаційні заняття з військовослужбовцями НГУ, які знаходяться на стаціонарному лікуванні

Практичні психологи Центру ПД та ППВ продовжують проводити психоедукаційні заняття з військовослужбовцями НГУ, які знаходяться на стаціонарному лікуванні в ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області". Психоедукація - це первинний засіб в роботі з військовими та поліцейськими, який формує вдалу роботу на наступних етапах таких як стабілізація та контроль психологічного стану людини.Read more…

Проведено лекційне заняття з офіцерським складом Управління поліції охорони на тему "Основні ознаки вживання психоактивних речовин".

21 квітня 2023 р. завідувачем відділення амбулаторної психіатричної допомоги Центру ПД та ППВ Вікторією Ступар проведено лекційне заняття з офіцерським складом Управління поліції охорони на тему "Основні ознаки вживання психоактивних речовин".Read more…

На базі ДУ ТМО 21.04.2023 року відбувся тренінг за участі лікаря бактеріолога КНП "ОКЛ Івано-Франківської обласної ради" Данилюк Тамари Тихонівни.

На базі ДУ ТМО 21.04.2023 року відбувся тренінг за участі лікаря бактеріолога КНП "ОКЛ Івано-Франківської обласної ради" Данилюк Тамари Тихонівни.Read more…

На базі ДУ «ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області» 06.04.2023 начальником Центру превентивної медицини Наталією Ковбасюк проведено тренінг

На базі ДУ «ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області» 06.04.2023 начальником Центру превентивної медицини Наталією Ковбасюк проведено тренінг з відпрацюванням практичних навичок щодо заходів з інфекційного контролю, огляду законодавства щодо профілактики інфекцій, пов’язаних з наданням медичної допомоги (далі ІПНМД) та інфекційного контролю для медичних працівників військових частин Національної Гвардії України, МРЦ МВС України «Кремінці», Луганського навчально-наукового інституту імені Е.О. Дідоренка Донецького державного університету внутрішніх справ. Визначено основні завдання та напрямки в організації роботи щодо впровадження інфекційного контролю в медичних частинах відомчих підрозділів МВС та профілактики ІПНМД.Read more…

Практичними психологами Центру ПД та ППВ в роботі з військовослужбовцями НГУ використано протокол АSSYST-Group

Практичними психологами Центру ПД та ППВ в роботі з військовослужбовцями НГУ використано протокол АSSYST-Group для зниження наслідків впливу травматичних подій та зниження рівня стресового навантаження.Read more…

Продовжується реабілітація поранених військовослужбовців, які проходять етапний підгострий період відновного лікування.

Продовжується реабілітація поранених військовослужбовців, які проходять етапний підгострий період відновного лікування. Мультидисциплінарна команда проводить обстеження та виявлення функціональних порушень поранених згідно з європейськими стандартами, застосовує методи фізичної терапії, ерготерапії, психотерапії, враховуючи індивідуальні особливості пацієнта. Військовослужбовці з ампутованими кінцівками отримують комплекс заходів по підготовці до протезування, а також навчання користуванням протезу та допоміжними засобами для покращення мобільності.Read more…

Практичні психологи Центру ПД та ППВ продовжують проводити тренінгові заняття з пораненими військовослужбовцями НГУ

Практичні психологи Центру ПД та ППВ продовжують проводити тренінгові заняття з пораненими військовослужбовцями НГУ, використовуючи методи кольоротерапії для регуляції емоційних станів, творчого самовираження та відновлення. Образи, втілені в ландшафтній арт-терапії неабияк допомагають в ситуаціях невизначеності та тотальної небезпеки, адже природа є ресурсом безмежної сили і відновлення.Read more…

Продовжуємо надавати психокорекційну та психотерапевтичну допомогу пораненим поліцейським.

Продовжуємо надавати психокорекційну та психотерапевтичну допомогу пораненим поліцейським. Сьогодні, 7 березня практичні психологи провели заняття з ознайомлення із навичками саморегуляції з застосуванням прогресивної м'язової релаксації за Джейкобсоном з метою покращення вміння ефективно справлятися зі стресом, контролювати емоційні реакції та усувати психічну напругу.Read more…

Здобувши теоретичні знання на навчальному семінарі "Методика "Горщики+"

Здобувши теоретичні знання на навчальному семінарі "Методика "Горщики+" при роботі з кризовими станами особистості" авторства Вікторії Назаревич, практичний психолог Центру ПД та ППВ Владика Наталія сьогодні провела заняття з пораненими військовослужбовцями, які лікуються в стаціонарі ДУ "ТМО МВС України по Івано-Франківській області". Використовувала методику " Горщики+" в поєднанні з МАК. Працювали як в асоціативному методі, так і в методі арт- терапії, здебільшого використали метод як корекційний, який спирається на систему контейнерування індивіда.Read more…

Практичний психолог Центру ПД та ППВ Лілія Галіпчак провела психокорекційне заняття з пораненими

Сьогодні, 27.12.2022 р., завідувач кабінету психопрофілактики та професійного психофізіологічного відбору - практичний психолог Центру ПД та ППВ Лілія Галіпчак провела психокорекційне заняття з пораненими, які знаходяться на лікуванні в стаціонарі ДУ, спрямоване на стабілізацію їх психоемоційного стану та зняття внутрішньої напруженості з використанням дихальних технік та техніки м’язевої релаксації Джейкобсона.Read more…

To improve the work of the ophthalmology office and provide effective assistance to the attached contingent, a new modern slit lamp was purchased

To improve the work of the ophthalmology office and provide effective assistance to the attached contingent, a new modern slit lamp designed for biomicroscopic examination of the anterior eye was purchased. The slit lamp is equipped with a binocular stereo microscope with a five-stage magnification device. The lamp is characterized by high operational reliability and excellent quality of optics. The design of the unit of movement of the device in the horizontal plane allows smooth and a high degree of accuracy to study the structures of the eye.Read more…

The head of the department of outpatient psychiatric care of our Center for PD and PPV Victoria Stupar conducted a lecture for doctors of the institution

The head of the department of outpatient psychiatric care of our Center for PD and PPV Victoria Stupar conducted a lecture for doctors of the institution on the topic: "Prescription of benzodiazepines in medical practice: pros and cons". They discussed the increase in anxiety among the population, the problem of self-medication, and the expediency of prescribing benzodiazepines and alternative medicines, in particular, combined herbal preparations.Read more…

Завідувачем відділення амбулаторної психіатричної допомоги нашого Центру ПД та ППВ Вікторією Ступар проведено лекцію для лікарів

Завідувачем відділення амбулаторної психіатричної допомоги нашого Центру ПД та ППВ Вікторією Ступар проведено лекцію для лікарів установи на тему: "Призначення бензодіазепінів у лікарській практиці: за і проти". Обговорили зростання рівня тривоги серед населення, проблематику самолікування, доцільність призначення бензодіазепінів та альтернативних медичних засобів, зокрема комбінованих рослинних препаратів.Read more…

⚡ As a result of Russian shelling, there are interruptions in electricity supply in different regions.

⚡ As a result of Russian shelling, there are interruptions in the electricity supply in different regions. In many regions, emergency medical care and disaster medicine centers have started using generators to operate 👌 At the same time, there are interruptions in mobile communication, so subscribers may not be able to reach the 103 lines in case of emergency. That is why we remind you once again what to do if you need medical help, but there is no mobile communication. Stay calm and help the Armed Forces of Ukraine 🇺🇦Read more…

Employees of the institution took part in the conference organized by the Association "Infection Control Service".

The employees of the institution, the head of the CPM Natalia Kovbasyuk, the epidemiologist of the CPM Natalia Skrypnyk and the chief nurse of the State Administration of TMA Lyudmyla Bondar took part in the conference organized by the Association "Infection Control Organization Service" on 18.11.2022. The conference addressed issues of infection prevention and infection control in health care facilities and comprehensive hand hygiene systems for health care workers in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 03.08.2021 No. 1614 "On the organization of infection prevention and infection control in health care facilities and institutions / institutions providing social services / social protection of the population".Read more…

Adults tend to behave in an adult way with their children, but sometimes they completely forget about the important things for themselves.

Adults tend to behave in an adult way with their children, but sometimes they completely forget about the important things for themselves. In particular, that adults should also remember about vaccinations and regularly update them. We remind you what recommended vaccinations an adult Ukrainian who cares about their health should have 🤓: 1⃣ First of all, every adult needs to catch up with the mandatory vaccinations missed in childhood. Therefore, if you are not sure whether you were vaccinated as a child, contact your family doctor and he will develop an individual vaccination schedule. ❗ It is also important to remember that after 16 every 10 years you need to be vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus. What are the recommended vaccinations for adults? ✅ Hepatitis B Children began to be routinely vaccinated against hepatitis B only in the 2000s. Vaccination is recommended for all adults who were not vaccinated in childhood, it will protect against the dangerous consequences of viral infection - cirrhosis and liver cancer. Hepatitis B is not curable, the disease requires lifelong therapy. The vaccination course includes three vaccinations against hepatitis B. ✅ Hepatitis A Hepatitis A is an inflammatory liver disease that takes a long time to treat and in some cases causes damage to the liver, kidneys, pancreas, joint pain, and even death. The vaccination course consists of two doses with an interval of 6 months. You can get a combined vaccine that protects against hepatitis A and B viruses. ✅ Influenza Influenza vaccination is recommended every year at the beginning of the epidemic season. It will protect against possible complications and death. Pregnant women, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases are at risk. The vaccine can be purchased at your own expense. For doctors, pregnant women, and security sector employees, flu vaccination in Ukraine are free of charge. ✅ Pneumococcus Both COVID-19 and influenza can be complicated by bacterial pneumonia, the most common cause of which is the pneumococcus. Therefore, people at risk (over 65, with chronic diseases) should be vaccinated against pneumococcal infection. Meningococcus Meningococci are bacteria that cause diseases such as meningitis, meningoencephalitis, etc. Meningitis affects the membranes of the brain and spinal cord. Without timely treatment, 50% of cases are fatal. Vaccines against four out of 13 meningococcal species are available in Ukraine. Vaccination schemes vary depending on the vaccine brand and age. ✅ COVID-19 Vaccination against COVID-19 will protect against complications and hospitalization. Vaccinations are free of charge. The initial course includes one dose of the Janssen vaccine or two doses of another vaccine available in Ukraine. The effect of the vaccine is further renewed by booster vaccinations: the first in 5 months, the second inRead more…

Specialists of the Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection signed an agreement

The State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" with the participation of specialists of the Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection agreed on cooperation with the Carpathian Regional Clinical Center for Mental Health, based on which a department of medical and psychological rehabilitation was opened. The directions and prospects of cooperation on psychological rehabilitation of police officers, and servicemen of the NGU, who were directly involved in the activities aimed at ensuring the defense of Ukraine, protecting the security of the population and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as well as their family members were discussed.Read more…

We remind you of the need to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 before the start of the epidemic season 🙌

We remind you of the need to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19 before the start of the epidemic season 🙌 All people over 18 years of age should receive a basic course of immunization with two doses of COVID-19 vaccine (CoronaVac/Sinovac Biotech and Comirnaty/Pfizer-BioNTech are currently available in Ukraine) or one dose of Janssen (Jcovden) vaccine. Booster vaccination can be done by all people over 18 years of age who received the basic vaccination course more than 6 months ago. The second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at least 4 months after the first dose can now be given to all people aged 60 years and older, as well as people aged 18-59 years with chronic diseases. Children from 12 years old can be vaccinated against COVID-19 with two doses of the Comirnaty vaccine from Pfizer-BioNTech. Minor infections, such as colds or subfebrile fever, are not contraindications to vaccination. For example, in the United States, children are vaccinated even in case of fever and signs of ARVI. List of COVID-19 vaccination points and centers: more…

We continue to conduct first aid training.

We continue to conduct first aid training. On the basis of the MRC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Kremintsi" on 02.08.2022 police officers had the opportunity to gain theoretical knowledge and practically work out various situational tasks.Read more…

Thanks to the assistance of the First Volunteer Surgical Hospital, humanitarian aid was received

Thanks to the assistance of the First Volunteer Surgical Hospital, humanitarian aid was received: three specialized devices to improve the work of the ophthalmology office: CANON R-F10 autorefractometer (for determining eye refraction and selecting glasses of varying complexity) and Tachyonometer TX-F (for measuring eye pressure), as well as a sign projector. Special thanks to the head Stanislav Onyshchuk! Boundless gratitude for such gifts in difficult times for the country!!!Read more…

In a difficult time for the country, we stand for the protection of patients' health!

In difficult times for the country, we stand for the protection of patients' health! For rehabilitation treatment in the physiotherapy room, a set of rehabilitation procedures is carried out, which is determined individually depending on the injuries received: - electrophoresis of medicines - magnetotherapy and magnetophoresis of drugs; - electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves; - darsonvalization, ultrathon therapy; - phonophoresis of medicines; - amplipulse phoresis and diadynamic therapy; - UHF therapy; - light therapy (bioptron and ultraviolet irradiation); - massage and development of movements due to contractures.Read more…

In our institution, certified medical specialists vaccinate against coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

           In our institution, certified medical specialists vaccinate against coronavirus disease (COVID-19).  On the eve of the epidemic season, it is necessary to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19.             Immunization is a process by which a person becomes immune or immune to an infectious disease, which is carried out by administering a vaccine. Vaccines stimulate the body's own immune system to protect the person from the relevant infection or disease.            Vaccination aims to protect the body from infectious diseases, and prevent severe course and complications.             Vaccination coverage at the level of 95% of the country's population allows ensuring full protection of the population from outbreaks and epidemics of infectious diseases that can be prevented by vaccination - what is called herd immunity. With a decrease in population immunity, the incidence of infections against which vaccination is carried out increases.                                                    Take care of your health - get vaccinated!!!                                                               Vaccinated means protected!!!Read more…

Good news for doctors!

👏Good news for medics! The Ukrainian translation of ATLS, a guide to trauma care, is now freely available. Its developers are the American College of Surgeons. You can find it on the website of the International Organization of Physicians "Global Medical Knowledge Alliance" at The manual will be useful for employees of emergency medical teams, emergency physicians, and nurses of emergency (urgent) medical care departments. It should also be used by surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists, and anesthesiologists who provide medical care to patients with trauma.Read more…

🦠 Ukraine has allowed the introduction of the second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for all people aged 60 and over, as well as for people aged 18-59 with chronic diseases.

🦠 Ukraine has allowed the introduction of the second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for all people aged 60 and over, as well as for people aged 18-59 with chronic diseases. The relevant recommendations of the National Technical Group of Experts on Immunoprophylaxis No. 16-06/2022 were approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 1249 of July 19, 2022. ‼ For the second booster dose, the mRNA vaccine will be used (currently in Ukraine it is Pfizer) with an interval of at least 4 months after the first booster dose. The second booster dose can be received by: ▪️ people aged over 60 years ▪️ people living in elderly care facilities ▪️ people with disabilities ▪️ people with immunosuppression ▪️ people aged 18-59 years with medical conditions that increase the risk of severe COVID-19 (list of conditions - ▪️ people aged 18-59 years with multiple chronic diseases The second booster dose is already used in Israel, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan, and it was recommended to be introduced in the EU countries. We remind you that you can get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Ukraine at any vaccination point or center. The list of points is at the link - or by phone at 16-77.Read more…

‼️Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by a virus.

‼️Hepatitis A is a liver disease caused by a virus. Unlike hepatitis B and C, hepatitis A does not provoke the development of the chronic liver disease - most people affected by hepatitis A recover completely and develop lifelong immunity to the disease. However, the disease itself is unpleasant and exhausting, and recovery can take several months. Elderly people are more severely ill and may die. 💯The risk of getting hepatitis A increases during the war due to large crowds, inability to maintain hygiene, and limited access to clean drinking water. We have collected information about viral hepatitis A and what to do to avoid getting sick.Read more…

The fight against Russian invaders continues.

The struggle against Russian invaders continues. How quickly our victory will come depends, in particular, on how we will support the Armed Forces, medics, and each other. 📌For quick navigation, below are some links that may be useful: ◾Help healthcare facilities ◾Hotlines to help the armed forces, doctors, and the population of Ukraine ◾Free medical consultations through the contact center of the Ministry of Health ◾Instructions that can save lives ◾Basic rules of first aid ◾Premedical assistance in case of suspected stroke ◾Premedical care in case of seizures ◾Medical assistance in case of unconsciousness ◾How to carry out primary wound care ◾What to do in case of a chemical attack or accident at a chemical enterprise ◾How to avoid hypothermia in war ◾Explosive objects: a risk that can cost lives ◾Smog. How to protect yourself from negative consequences ◾How to talk to children about war ◾How to cope with stress during the war ◾How to find out which pharmacies have insulin ◾How cancer patients can get help during the war ◾Where to find drugs for thyroid therapy ◾Routine vaccinations during the war ◾How to get antiretroviral therapy at the place of actual stay during the war ◾How to get antiretroviral therapy in Europe ◾Giving birth under martial law: what is important to know ◾How to maintain lactation in stressful situations ◾How foreign doctors can join the work in Ukrainian hospitals ◾For information on the needs for medicines, medical devices, and protective equipment for healthcare professionals, please call the national contact center at 0 800 60 20 19 Vaccination ▪️How to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Moldova, and the Czech Republic at ▪️How to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Israel, and France at more…

🌞 Sunlight is necessary for humans.

🌞 Sunlight is necessary for humans. The sun's rays are the main source of vitamin D, which is involved in metabolism, helps strengthen the immune system, maintains normal blood pressure, and even slows the growth of malignant cells. Due to lack of sunlight, serious problems can begin. At the same time, prolonged sunbathing can cause great harm. First of all, it can cause burns, age spots, and premature wrinkles. And regular excess of ultraviolet radiation threatens the development of melanoma (malignant skin tumor). We have collected useful tips on how to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun ⬇️️.Read more…

Course "Combat medic"

Employees of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" Lesya Markovetska and Teslenko Oless, successfully completed the course "Combat medic" under the extended protocol TCCC (TACTICAL COMBAT CASUALTY CARE) with elements of PFC (PROLONGED FIELD CARE) on 06-09.07.2022 in Rivne. The acquired knowledge and skills will be used for further work.Read more…

👆Rotavirus infection is one of such diseases.

Staying in crowded places and limited access to clean water are the causes of "intestinal" diseases. Almost all of them are easily transmitted from person to person, and therefore are especially dangerous during the war. 👆Rotavirus infection is one of these diseases. It can be prevented through vaccination. We have collected information about the symptoms of rotavirus and how to avoid it⬇Read more…

Please be informed that in order to provide clarifications on medical care

Please be informed that for clarification on issues of medical care, rehabilitation, and sanatorium treatment of police officers, servicemen of the National Guard and the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, rank and file, and senior officers of the SES system, please contact Kenyuk Mykola (0342) 790280 Sabadash Petro Ivanovych (0342) 790248Read more…

Children's Day

On the occasion of the Children's Day, employees of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region", together with law enforcement officers of Ivano-Frankivsk region joined the unforgettable holiday for children. Children had the opportunity to practice cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills on a manikin, and applied in practice the technique of applying a jute-tourniquet on a manikin.Read more…

❗Tobacco smoking kills more than 8 million people worldwide every year.

❗Tobacco smoking kills more than 8 million people worldwide every year. This is the official data of the World Health Organization. Even if you, as a smoker, are not embarrassed by this figure, there is another WHO statistic: almost half of the world's children regularly inhale tobacco smoke-polluted air in public places. By smoking a cigarette or vape, hookah or e-cigarette, you endanger not only yourself but also your family, friends, or loved ones. Today, on World No Tobacco Day, the #MoH urges: do not postpone the desire to quit smoking until "tomorrow", "Monday" or "New Year"; do not use substitution of concepts such as "the harm from e-cigarettes is less" or "I can quit smoking tomorrow". Do it, give up smoking in general, and make your contribution to your health. We publish tips that will help you get rid of the bad habit: ◾Find a strong motivation for yourself ◾Set a quit date and create a clear action plan ◾Include more healthy foods in your diet and add physical activity ◾Get rid of all items that remind you of smoking ◾Enlist support, find like-minded people, discuss your plan and progress with family and friendsRead more…

📌Everyone has heard at least once in their life that smoking is harmful to health.

📌Everyone has heard at least once in their life that smoking is harmful to health. Every year its use in various forms (cigarettes, hookahs, smokeless tobacco products, cigars, etc.) kills more than 8 million people. These are the consequences of long-term smoking and the use of tobacco products. And what happens to the body after one cigarette? Is its impact on health so destructive? In short - yes. How exactly does one cigarette affect the human body - in the infographic⬇ #MOH.Read more…

Today Ukraine celebrates the professional holiday of scientists - Science Day.

Today Ukraine celebrates the professional holiday of scientists - Science Day. Now science, like the whole country, is adapting to wartime conditions. Remembering the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic, science is finding new formats, moving online, using available and modern technical capabilities. Every profession and every industry in the world starts with knowledge. Medicine is no exception: every medical worker from a therapist to a surgeon, from a nurse to a pharmacist starts with science. That is why the support and development of medical science is one of the priorities of the state policy in the field of healthcare. In terms of numbers, in 2022, 116 scientific researches and developments are being carried out, which are both applied and fundamental in nature and relate to medical and pharmaceutical science and practice. #The Ministry of Health is also working to introduce the latest approaches in the field of medical care, continues to introduce an electronic system, uses the latest practices in the treatment of wounds and will soon introduce the use of 3D technologies in the manufacture of bone implants. Despite the war in Ukraine, scientific progress does not stop for a minute, innovative technologies continue to be introduced, which are the main guarantee of the independence of the state and the prospects for future development.Read more…

☝️Measles is an infectious disease that can cause serious complications

☝️Measles is an infectious disease that can cause serious complications: pneumonia, inflammation of the brain and its membranes, and possible death. ❗There is no cure for measles, so the only way to protect yourself and your children is vaccination. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), measles is one of the leading causes of death among children in the world. Pregnant women and people with immunodeficiency conditions are also most vulnerable to measles. ⬇Learn more about measles below: what is the danger of the infectious disease, are there any contraindications to the measles vaccination (spoiler: they are temporary), and when to get vaccinated.Read more…

☝️How to provide a person with first aid in case of suspected stroke.

☝️How to provide a person with first aid in case of suspected stroke. Stroke is an acute disorder of cerebral circulation that causes damage to brain tissue and disorders of its functions. #The Ministry of Health publishes information about the signs of stroke, as well as how to provide first aid in case of suspected stroke. 📌Remember the main thing: if you suspect a stroke in a person, call an emergency medical team immediately. For information on first aid in case of fever, high blood pressure, diarrhea, hypoglycemia, and acute heart pain, please visit Information on first aid in case of seizures➡ more…

☝️Medical assistance to victims in case of phosphorus burns.

☝️Medical assistance to victims in case of phosphorus burns. Russian occupiers use prohibited weapons during the war, including against civilians. The use of phosphorus munitions by Russians against Ukrainians has been repeatedly recorded. Phosphorus ammunition is a weapon that contains white phosphorus and spreads an inflammatory compound with a burning temperature of over 800°C. White phosphorus ignites on contact with air, and the area of its spread can reach several hundred square meters. #The Ministry of Health reminds the rules of ⬇ first aid in case of damage by phosphorus munitions. If possible, call an emergency medical team immediately. It is important to remember that soda solutions and baking soda in general are not used in the treatment of victims of white phosphorus.Read more…

Information from the #MoH on how to disinfect water. In the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, part of the population is deprived of access to clean drinking water.

Information from the #MoH on how to disinfect water. In the context of Russian aggression against Ukraine, part of the population is deprived of access to clean drinking water. Due to active hostilities in a number of regions, water pipelines are cut off, there are no reagents for the purification of tap water, and there is no possibility to bring bottled drinking water. In such conditions, people are forced to use potentially dangerous water from the centralized water supply system, to take water from wells, wells, rivers, etc. It is not known whether this water is clean enough and suitable for consumption and cooking. Therefore, it is important to purify it yourself at home. Before purification, the water should be evaluated by color and smell. ▪ First, you need to collect half or ⅓ of the bottle volume and shake it vigorously. If there is foam on the surface, then such water is not suitable for consumption. ▪ After that, you need to evaluate the water by smell. If there is a chemical, petrol, corpse, or other unpleasant/suspicious smell, the water should not be used for drinking. ▪ Also, the water should not be colored: look at the water in white dishes or in transparent dishes on a white background. ⬇After that, you can start disinfecting it. How exactly - in the infographic of the Ministry of Health.Read more…

To the attention of police officers, servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, their families, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and other persons

To the attention of police officers, servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, members of their families, pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and other persons from among the attached contingent. Specialists of the Center for Psychiatric Assistance and Professional Psychophysiological Selection of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" provide free and confidential professional psychological and psychiatric assistance daily from 9.00 to 15.00. Please contact me if necessary. More information by phone: 790-247, 790-240, 790-241.Read more…

How to use medical masks correctly?

Regardless of whether a person has been fully vaccinated against #COVID19 or not, masks maximize protection against the virus for both those who use them correctly and for people around them.Read more…

Life after COVID-19

It is quite difficult for many people to return to normal life after suffering from COVID-19. Although most people get sick in a fairly mild form, this does not mean that you will be able to avoid a complicated course of the disease.Read more…

Patrol policemen continue to be vaccinated against COVID-19

In general, more than 70 percent of the patrol police officers in Ivano-Frankivsk region have been vaccinated.  A large number of inspectors were vaccinated for the first time, and most have already received the second dose of the vaccine. Thus, police officers not only protect themselves from the disease, but also strengthen collective immunity.Read more…

Relaxation methods

In order to prevent the symptoms of professional burnout and eliminate psychological disorders in medical workersRead more…

Embroidery Day

Employees of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" headed by the Head of the Institution Halyna Lapchuk joined the national tradition - the celebration of the Day of Embroidery.Read more…


Today, on 27.04.2021, at the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region", specialists of the Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection conducted a lecture on "Sleep disorders as one of the most common covid and post-covid manifestations".Read more…

When it hurts, say it.

We are launching a very important campaign: 📣 "When it hurts, speak up". We want more Ukrainians to know that taking care of mental health is as important as monitoring physical well-being.Read more…


The State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" informs that the hospital (with a polyclinic) has received the forms of sick leave certificates. To exchange previously received certificates of incapacity for work for forms of sick leave, please contact the registration office of the institution. The exchange of certificates will be carried out following the entries in the registration registers of the institution in compliance with the requirements of the anti-epidemic regime.Read more…

April 2 - International Autism Awareness Day

#WorldAutismAwarenessDay #Dr_Shymanskyi #DoctorThinking #Lets_Speak_About_Autism Autism (autism spectrum disorder) is a group of conditions that are associated with the peculiarities of the development of the nervous system and are characterized by disorders in communication, social interaction and behavior.Read more…

Vaccination is the only protection against infectious diseases!

Medical personnel and police officers were vaccinated against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with Oxford / AstraZeneca CoviShield vaccine on the basis of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" with the participation of a mobile medical team of the Ministry of Health.Read more…

A set of equipment for ELISA testing

State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" informs that a set of equipment for ELISA testing "Immuno Chem" was purchased from the sole proprietor Krystyna Sadovska from Kharkiv for UAH 287.7 thousand. On 17.06.2020, warranty and post-warranty service, connection, and training of medical personnel of this equipment is carried out by a certified engineer from the manufacturer NTI (USA) LLC "Intermedica-Ukraine", Kyiv. Kyiv. The test system for this equipment is open and transparent and is made by different manufacturers. Due to the increase in outbreaks, the need to screen for COVID-19 has increased. Given the growth of the disease in the bordering regions (Lviv, Chernivtsi, and Transcarpathian) and the movement of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system due to production needs, the number of infected police officers and other categories of persons has increased, so it was urgent to purchase this equipment for ELISA testing to prevent the emergence and spread of COVID-19 coronavirus disease. Regarding the amount of the cost, we would like to inform you of the following: at the time of purchase, except for Krystyna Sadovska, none of the suppliers of such equipment was available.Read more…

Pandemic of Coronavirus Infection

The coronavirus infection pandemic is considerably flowing on the quality of life and mental health of people, especially police officers, military personnel of NMU, and medical workers who are under prolonged load, counteracting the distribution of coronavirus. To maintain mental health during a pandemic in the Center for PD and ChNOS, DNO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region work specialists that you can apply for psychological support and psychiatric help.Read more…

Prevention of infections

On the basis of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" On 20.02.2020, with the participation of specialists of the CPM, training was held for the nursing staff of the institution with the following practical training (testing).Read more…

"On the new coronavirus"

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 24.01.2020 No. 185 "On measures to prevent and spread in Ukraine cases of diseases caused by the new coronavirus detected in Wuhan (Hubei Province, China)" and the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated 01.02. 2020 "On the organization of measures to combat the incidence of coronavirus", training/training was conducted with medical workers of the military unit 1241, Ivano-Frankivsk, with the participation of the head of the CPM Natalia Kovbasyuk and epidemiologist Natalia Skrypnyk following the recommendations "On the new coronavirus" of 24.01.2020 № 258.Read more…

Seminar/training with the participation of the CPM specialists

On January 29, 2020, a seminar/training was held based on the "Kindergarten "Veselka" of the National Police of Ukraine" with the participation of specialists of the CPM of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" - Head of the CPM Kovbasyuk Natalia and epidemiologist Skrypnyk Natalia.Read more…

Diphtheria, etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention

Based on the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" On 15.11.2019 a conference was held on - "Diphtheria, etiology, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention" with the participation of the head of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" Hutsulyak Ivan Mykolayovych, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Boychuk Oleksandr Petrovych, Head of the Central Medical Center of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" Kovbasyuk Natalia Yaroslavivna.Read more…


Hepatitis B is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and affects the liver, leading to its inflammation, which is called hepatitis. About 325 million people worldwide are living with chronic infections caused by the hepatitis B virus or hepatitis C virus. Infection with hepatitis B virus occurs as a result of contact through damaged skin or mucous membranes with infected body fluids (mainly blood), in particular - a transfusion of infected blood or its components; - through wounds, insect and animal bites, saliva or urine of an infected person, contact with infected blood or damaged skin and mucous membranes; - injecting and intranasal drug use; - invasive medical and non-medical manipulations with the use of contaminated (surgical interventions, dental procedures, hemodialysis, tattoos, piercings, manicures, etc;) - vertical transmission from mother to child; - household transmission (through sharing toothbrushes, razor blades, etc., and other personal hygiene products that may contain traces of blood); - sexually during unprotected sexual intercourse. The incubation period is on average 75 days but can vary from 30 to 180 days.Read more…

"Vaccinated means protected"

The Medical Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Kremintsi" joined the preventive measures against diphtheria and tetanus. Taking into account the belonging of the employees of the Medical Rehabilitation Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine "Kremintsi", according to the current legislation, to the groups of occupational risk and the epidemic situation in Ukraine regarding diphtheria, the employees of the said institution, from the subject contingent, were vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus (ADP-M with a reduced content of diphtheria and tetanus antigens). Diphtheria is an acute infectious disease of the respiratory tract. The causative agent of diphtheria is transmitted by airborne droplets or through household items used by the patient. Diphtheria is most often manifested by the formation of a dense film and swelling of the mucous membranes, which blocks the airways. It can lead to death. Tetanus is an acute infectious disease that occurs as a result of toxin action on the nervous system. The toxin is produced by the bacteria Clostridium tetani after entering the wound from the soil, where they are in the form of spores (a form of bacterial existence that ensures their high survival). Spores are often present in the intestinal tract of animals, from where they enter the soil. Tetanus affects the nervous system, provokes strong, very painful cramps in the body's muscles, and can lead to death. You can get infected with tetanus through a wound or cut, as a result of animal bites or injuries with sharp objects, or splinters of wood. This disease is not transmitted from person to person.Read more…

"On mandatory preventive vaccination against measles for epidemic indications"

According to the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 26.06.2018 No. 1216 "On compulsory preventive vaccination against measles for epidemic indications", occupational risk groups were identified, namely representatives of law enforcement agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Security Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the State Protection Service. On October 30, 2019, a videoconference meeting of the Ivano-Frankivsk regional police leadership chaired by the head of the police Volodymyr Holubosh was held at the Main National Police in Ivano-Frankivsk region, where, in addition to the issues on the agenda, the state of prevention of vaccinated infections among police officers serving in the units of the National Police was discussed.Read more…

Training classes

On the basis of the Main Directorate of the National Police in Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast on October 26, 2019, a training class was held for employees of temporary detention insulators (hereinafter - ITT) and convoy units on observance of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in ITT and providing a domestic assistance to persons who are in menacing states. for one's life and health.Read more…

World Polio Day

October 24 is World Polio Day, celebrated annually since 2012 at the initiative of Rotary International and the World Health Organization (WHO). The date of this international day was not chosen by chance and is timed to the birthday of Jonas Edward Salk, an American epidemiologist, and virologist who developed the injectable polio vaccine in 1952-1955. The purpose of the event is to draw the attention of the world community to the problem of polio and its consequences, as well as to point out the need for timely preventive measures. In 1988, the World Health Assembly established the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), whose main task was to ensure the cessation of circulation of "wild" poliovirus in the environment by the end of 2000. Thus, at the time of the adoption of the resolution, there were 125 endemic countries in the world and up to 350 thousand cases of annual incidence were registered. Since the beginning of the implementation of this program, four out of six WHO regions have been certified as free from the circulation of "wild" poliovirus - American (1994), Western Pacific (2000), European (2002), and Southeast Asian (2014). In 2001, Ukraine received an international certificate, which showed that the "wild" poliovirus is no longer circulating in the country. Only two countries that share a common border (Afghanistan and Pakistan) continue to register cases of polio, with 33 cases in 2018.Read more…


Among the contingents assigned to the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region", preventive vaccinations against measles ("Priorix") and diphtheria and tetanus (ADP-M with a reduced content of diphtheria and tetanus antigens) are carried out. The vaccines are of high quality and safe. In Ukraine, vaccines included in the National Vaccination Calendar are purchased at public expense. These are vaccines against 10 infectious diseases: hepatitis B, tuberculosis, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio and chib-infection. The quality and safety of vaccines procured by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) for Ukraine at the expense of the state budget is confirmed by the experience of their use in different countries of the world. The vaccines are prequalified by the World Health Organization - a quality guarantee of the most authoritative health organization in the world.Read more…

World Rabies Day

Every year, on September 28, World Rabies Day is celebrated, in connection with which the All-Ukrainian Scientific and Practical Conference "Rabies: Vaccinate - Eliminate" was held on September 27, 2019, on the basis of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, which was attended by specialists of the CPM of the State Institution "TMO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region". The purpose of the conference is to raise awareness about the problem of rabies in humans and animals in Ukraine and in the world, the intensity of spread and consequences of rabies infection for humans and animals, and prevention and control. Today, rabies is registered in 150 countries, including Ukraine, and is among the top five diseases common to humans and animals that cause the greatest socio-economic damage. According to the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, 27 cases of human rabies have been registered in Ukraine over the past 5 years.Read more…

Training seminar

Based on the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" On 16.11.2018, a seminar training was held for medical workers under the chairmanship of Gutsulyak I.M. - Head of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" with the participation of Benko G.S. - Deputy Chief Physician for Polyclinic Work of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Clinical Hospital, national vaccination trainer.Read more…

Training training for insulators employees

On 11.11.2017 in the Main Office of the National Police in the Ivano-Frankivsk region for the second time, the training for employees of temporary detention facilities (hereinafter - TDF) and convoy units on the provision of first aid was held. This event is held in the region on the initiative of the State Institution "TMA in Ivano-Frankivsk region" and the chief specialist of the Ombudsman's Office of the NPU Krystyna Ovsepyan, with the participation of the deputy head of the regional organization of the Red Cross Society of Ukraine Yaroslav Dzhyhita and employees of the sector of organization of the activities of the temporary detention center of the National Police in Ivano-Frankivsk region Tuziak V.V. and Kalyniak M.Y. The training was conducted for employees of temporary detention facility No. 1 (Nadvirna) and temporary detention facility No. 2 (Horodenka). The above training took place for six hours, during which a highly qualified employee Dzhyhita Y.M. told and showed (by using dummies) how to properly provide first aid.Read more…

Round table meeting

On 24.10.2017, based on the MRC "Kremintsi" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine together with the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region", a meeting of the "Round table" on the issue of medical and psychological rehabilitation of ATO participants was held. The participants were invited: Chief physician and psychologist of the "Hospital of War Veterans"; military chaplain Father Yuriy Atamanyuk; The purpose of this event is to discuss the possibility of sending for medical rehabilitation to the MRC "Kremintsi" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police, who participated in the ATO, their families and the families of the deceased. In today's conditions - these people need increased attention from medical professionals.Read more…

General shooting day

On October 20, 2017, with the participation of the employees of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region", the Unified Shooting Day was held with the servicemen of the territorial defense units of Ivano-Frankivsk region.Read more…

Emergency Medical Responder course

Employees of the State Institution "TMA of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region" together with the Frankivsk police officers took an 8-day course of Emergency Medical Responder.Read more…


On September 29, 2017, in cooperation with the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on Ivano of the Frankivsk region, training was conducted with the client-related division of territorial defense of the city of Ivano-Frankivsk.Read more…

Center employees

On 21.09.2017, the staff of the Center for Psychiatric Care and Professional Psychophysiological Selection of the Department of TMO together with the psychologist of the Office of the Ukrainian Police in Ivano-Frankivsk, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, specialist in dealing with crises, traumas, military traumatic stress Kuklo O.E. held a round table dedicated to optimizing the rehabilitation process of ATO participants.Read more…

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